Day Camps
Our YMCA day camps offer a fun experience filled with arts and crafts, drama, outdoor activities, swimming, games and active play time in the gym. Your kids will enjoy a variety of interactive and co-operative activities each day. Activities vary based on the interests of the children and time of year.
Our YMCA Day Camp programs emphasize fun, safety, skill and social development built upon a foundation of our YMCA core values; caring, honesty, inclusiveness, respect, responsibility and belonging. Day Camps and Specialty Camps are open to the public, and registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Summer Campers must sign up for full weeks, in order to comply with current Ministry of Health guidelines.
If you are a registered YMCA School Age and Child Care family please visit our School Closure Program page.
Dates: 2025 Dates to be announced!
Ages: 4-11
Location: YMCA Health, Fitness & Aquatics facility
Camp Hours: 7:00AM–5:00PM (programming begins at 9:00 AM)
Fees: $41.58 daily + $10.00 trip fee
Date: 2026 to be announced..
Ages: 4-11
Location: YMCA Health, Fitness & Aquatics facility
Camp Hours: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM (programming begins at 9:00 AM)
Fees: $41.58 daily + $10.00 trip fee
Activities include indoor & outdoor play, themed days, swimming, crafts & games and a field trip. More details can be found on Camp Brain!
Date: Friday, April 11
Ages: 4-11
Location: YMCA Health, Fitness & Aquatics facility
Camp Hours: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Fees: $41.58 daily + $10.00 trip fee
Celebrate the arrival of spring with a special PD Day full of creativity and outdoor fun! Activities include bird feeder and nature crafts, and outdoor play and scavenger hunt through beautiful Harrison Park.
Registration opens Friday, March 21 at 12:00 PM
All registrations are done online through CampBrain. Full payment must be received in advance of care. If a payment plan is needed, communication can be sent to the camp email and our staff can help set one up. If your children attended Summer Camp, you will have an existing account that you can use. Parents will receive an email if their child has secured one of the spots available.
Day Camp Email:
Summer Day Camp
The YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce has opted in to the Canada Wide Early Learning Child Care (CWELCC) agreement. This means that children qualify for reduced rates when registered in a licensed Child Care program until they turn 6 years of age (up to and including the month they turn 6).
If your child is between the ages of 4 – 12 and you are planning to register them for a full day Summer program offered by the YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce, please read the information below carefully.
Camp Registration for Owen Sound opens February 24, 12:00 PM.
Which Program Do I Register My Child For? | |||
Age Category | YMCA Licensed Summer Program @ East Ridge Community School | YMCA Summer Day Camp @ East Ridge Community School | 2025 Fees |
Children 4 & 5 and those turning 6 in July 2025 | Register Here | $90.95 | |
Children turning 6 in August 2025 | Register Here | $90.95 | |
Children turning 6 between January – June 2025 | Register Here | $216.20 | |
Children aged 6-12 (see above details for children 6 years of age) | Register Here | $216.20 |
Summer Camp Fee Details:
- Fees are reduced during the week of June 30 – July 4 and Aug 4-8 due to the Statutory Holiday
- All Owen Sound programming will be delivered at the East Ridge Community School located at 1550 8th St E, Owen Sound. Specific drop off and pick up information below.
- Registration is for full weeks only.
- No refunds will be provided due to cancellation after June 1, 2025, without medical documentation.
Register in CampBrain. Select the appropriate camp based on the information above.
Camper Information
We reserve the right to cancel or alter any programs, times, costs or locations due to registration numbers, policy change, or availability of staff.
If your child will be absent from YMCA Licensed Child Care School Age Summer Care Program, please call 519-371-9622 ext. 2 and leave a message or text message (accepted with parent signature) outlining the following:
- Camper name
- The camp at which they are registered
- Location of the camp
- Reason for being absent
If your child will be absent from YMCA Summer Day Camp please call 519-379-8355 and leave a message or text message (accepted with parent signature) outlining the following:
- Camper name
- The camp at which they are registered
- Location of the camp
- Reason for being absent
To help avoid spreading colds and illnesses, please keep your child at home if they are not feeling well.
It is our goal to provide a healthy, safe and secure environment for all participants. Day Camp staff and managers will redirect camper behaviour and respond to inappropriate choices on an individual basis.
Children who attend our camps are expected to follow behaviour guidelines and interact appropriately. If a situation arises where a participant threatens the safety of another person or shows disregard for camp guidelines, we will inform and work with parents to correct the child’s behaviour in order to provide a positive camp experience for everyone. Campers are required to abide by our Camper Code of Conduct at all times. Contrary behaviour will result in implementation of a behaviour contract that will be discussed with camper and parents.
Should disruptive behaviour continue, the participant may be dismissed from camp at the discretion of the Camp Director. The YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce will not be held responsible for any costs associated with a participant’s dismissal, including camp fees. Refunds will not be granted if a child is asked to leave our programs due to misbehaviour.
Camp Hours
YMCA Health, Fitness & Aquatics Summer Day Camp at East Ridge Community School: 7:00AM–5:00PM (programming begins at 9:00 AM)
Drop off must occur no later than 9:00 a.m. unless prior arrangements have been made with your child’s onsite coordinator.
YMCA Licensed Child Care School Age Summer Care Program at East Ridge Community School: 7:00 AM – 5:30PM
Early/Late Fees
Dropping your child off early or picking you child up late affects our staffing and will result in fees changed. You will be charged an additional $1.00 for each minute your child arrives before 7:00 a.m. and each minute your child is picked up after 5:00 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. depending on camp program hours. You will be billed at the end of the week for any extra charges you have incurred. Many of our staff have their own children, commitments, plans, etc. to tend to after their workday is done. We kindly ask that camp families be courteous and respectful of our staff and their families by arriving on time.
Communication before, during and after your child’s camp experience is incredibly important to us. We use different tools in order to ensure optimum communication between you, the camper and our camp staff.
Please be sure to pay attention to camp communications materials as this is how we will inform you of changes, give reminders and keep you informed about what has been happening at camp.
Day Camp Number
Please feel free to contact us with any questions during the camp season. This is also the number to call if your child will be absent.
Day Camp Email
Camp Board
Look for a dry-erase board near pick up/drop off areas with reminders and last-minute information.
Facebook Group
Staff have created a closed group on Facebook where they will post camp information. Use Facebook’s search bar to look for “YMCA Summer Day Camp” and ask to join and click here. To protect everyone’s privacy one of our staff administrators will confirm your child is part of the camp programs before admitting you to the group.
We are committed to ensuring all campers have a successful camp experience. If your child has an E.A. at school that assists with behaviour concerns, they are required to have someone assist them at camp. We are unable to provide one to one care and therefore parents are required to make these arrangements for their children. Full disclosure on our Camper Information Form is required at time of registration and failure to do so may result in participant dismissal.
If a trip to a doctor or the hospital is necessary, a staff member will accompany your child, and one of our staff will contact you as soon as possible. If your child becomes ill while at camp, staff will contact a family member to take the child home.
- If a camper has any symptoms of illness (i.e. cough, cold, fever, gastro issues, etc) we kindly ask that you keep them home to protect our other campers, staff and their families from becoming ill. Your child may return to the program after they have been free of these symptoms for 24 hours (48 hours for vomiting and/or diarrhea) as directed by Public Health.
- Hand washing will be frequent. We will ask everyone to wash hands upon arrival at camp, throughout the day and before and after lunchtime and snacks. Hand washing stations or hand sanitizer with a minimum of 60%-70% alcohol is available.
- Snacks and foods containing nuts are not permitted. We are a nut-free program to protect those children with anaphylaxis
We are not responsible for campers’ personal belongings if lost, stolen, or damaged. We will not be keeping a lost and found so please label ALL of your child’s belongings. Items left with no label will be donated to a local charity.
Our YMCA Day Camps strive to be safe, environmentally sensitive and to encourage healthy lifestyles. Please send your child to camp with litter less, nutritious snacks and lunches each day.
Allergy alert: Many of our campers have severe allergies that can result in anaphylaxis. Lunch and snacks must be nut-free for the safety of all children.
Tips for litter less, healthy snacks and lunches:
- Purchase a reusable drink container and fill with 100% juice or water each day. Staff will encourage your child to refill the container throughout the day.
- Do not use mayonnaise and other heat sensitive food items, such as meat or dairy, in hot weather.
- Avoid single serve snack items in disposable packaging (for example, Lunchables, fruit cups, and juice boxes – all of these items can be served in small, reusable containers).
- We cannot heat up your child’s lunch.
All medication sent to camp must be:
- In the original packages, stored in individual plastic baggies
- Clearly labeled with campers name and dosage
- Accompanied by a completed Medication Administration Form
Medication must be turned in to camp staff who will store it in a locked location and will assist your camper in medication administration at required times throughout the day.
Please ensure that you communicate your child’s medication needs with the on-site coordinator or your child’s camp counsellor for that week. Camp counsellors do change on a weekly basis; if your camper is with us for multiple weeks, please make sure that the new staff are aware of your camper’s medications. We ask that you communicate with your day camp coordinator any specific instructions or guidelines that need to be followed. This will help us to ensure clear communication and the safety of each camper. Please note YMCA staff will not administer medication by injection (with the exception of epi-pens).
Any photographs taken of your child while at camp by an employee or representative of the Y or the City of Owen Sound, will become the property of the Y or the City, and may be used for various promotional purposes. If you or your family wishes otherwise, please inform the YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce.
Drop Off: 7:00-9:00 AM
Camp Hours: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Pick Up: 4:00-5:30 PM
Your child’s safety is a primary concern throughout the day.
All campers must always be signed in and out by a designated parent or guardian. This means that each day a parent or guardian will meet the day camp counsellor in the designated sign in/out area and physically sign the camp roster acknowledging that the camper has been dropped off or picked up.
The people listed on your registration form (parents and guardians, emergency contacts) are authorized to pick up your child unless you communicate in writing otherwise. Campers will only be released to the person indicated on the camper form AFTER providing PHOTO ID. If photo ID is not provided to the staff, the camper will not be released. The person attempting sign out must go retrieve ID before sign-out will be allowed.
If someone who is not listed on your registration form will be picking up your child, you are required to provide advanced notice via a signed written note to your child’s on-site coordinator indicating the full name and address of the individual picking up your child as well as the date and time they will be doing so. You are responsible for advising the individual picking up your child that they must provide photo ID, otherwise your child will not be permitted to leave with that person. If you are dropping your child off late, please drop your child off directly to the on-site camp coordinator and sign them in. For safety reasons, please do not leave your child to find their counsellor on their own.
All payments are due on or before June 1st for both Licensed Summer Program and Summer Day Camp.
Program fees are refundable prior to June 1st. Refunds will not be issued for sick days. Refunds for entire weeks may be granted with supporting medical documentation. Please note, we do not require confidential health information (i.e. diagnosis).
All refunds and schedule changes have a $20 per week per child administration fee.
Please ensure that your child arrives every day with the following items, each labelled with their first and last name:
- Hat
- Sunscreen
- Refillable water bottle
- Closed toe shoes (sandals with back strap ok; no flip flops please)
- Bathing suit and towel (in a labeled plastic bag)
- Healthy lunch and snacks (must be nut free: check labels!)
- Litter free lunches (pack in reusable containers)
- Suitable clothing for weather conditions, rain or shine
- Supportive backpack
Campers often do walking trips and may be eating in different locations. For this reason it is important that your child’s belongings all fit into one bag that can be carried easily.
Please do not send your campers with any valuables such as iPods, DSI’s, toys or jewelry. These items are not a part of our program content and do not fit into our daily plans.
Please do not send money to camp. Campers will not be permitted to make purchases from vending machines or stores during our trips. This prevents the possibility of allergic/medical reactions and ensures that all campers are provided with equal opportunities during their camp experience.
If a camper arrives at camp with any of these items, the on-site coordinator will take the item for the duration of the camp day and return it at departure time. Thank you for your cooperation.
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