Programs & Incentives

This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.
Hiring incentives help offset the costs of onboarding and training new employees
Hiring incentives are designed to support employers who help unemployed workers enter or re-enter the workforce and maintain employment.
These incentives provide support for on-the-job training, including apprenticeship training, and work experience opportunities.
Speak to a YMCA Employment Engagement Specialist today to learn more about hiring incentives available for your business. Call 519-371-9222 or email
Stay In The Know
We have been using YMCA Employment Services at our 2 grocery stores Owen Sound Foodland and Markdale Foodland for a number of years now. We have a great repore with the YMCA - and they understand the sense of urgency for the new hires in our business. I would strongly recommend them to other businesses.
Billy Graham, Owner - Markdale Foodland, Owen Sound Foodland
Canada-Ontario Job Grant
Funding to help businesses pay for training of current or onboarding employees. The Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) provides an opportunity for employers to invest in their workforce, with help from the government.
This grant provides direct financial support to individual employers who wish to purchase training for their employees. It is available to small, medium and large businesses with a plan to deliver short-term training to existing and new employees.
Employers must:
- employ the individual selected for training
- be licensed to operate in Ontario
- be applying for job related training that is delivered in Ontario
- comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Employment Standards Act
- maintain appropriate Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or private workplace safety insurance coverage
- have adequate third-party general liability insurance, as advised by its insurance broker
- make minimum cash and in-kind contributions towards training costs
- not be in receipt of other government funds related to the same skills training for the same individual
- not use training participants to displace existing staff or replace staff who are on lay-off
Training Options:
- employer decides on the training needed
- employer identifies the staff (new or existing) to be trained
- employer chooses the trainer:
- College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Publicly-assisted Universities
- School board
- Private trainer operating in compliance with Private Career Colleges Act 2005
- Union based training centres, sector councils, industry associations
- training must not exceed one year in duration; can be online, on-site, off-site or a combination
Speak with a YMCA Employment Engagement Specialist today to discuss how the Canada-Ontario Job Grant can help your team upgrade their skills. Call 519-371-9222 or email

Funding provided by the Government of Canada through the Canada Job Grant Programs delivered by the Government of Ontario.
The Canada-Ontario Job Grant has allowed us to upgrade the skills of our team in order to meet the needs of our customers. The staff at the YMCA in Owen Sound was professional and knowledgeable in helping us apply for this funding.
- Brad Forrest, Breaker Technology

Hire an apprentice
Apprenticeship Signing Bonus
Participating in an apprenticeship program ensures you will have an employee who is not only trained to provincial industry standards but also understands your unique workplace conditions. YMCA Employment Services will help you recruit an apprentice who has demonstrated an interest in your trade and is ready to work. You may be eligible to receive hiring incentives as well as an Employer Signing Bonus when you hire and register a new apprentice, which includes:
1. Employer receives initial $1,000 when an individual's registered apprenticeship training agreement is signed/registered with the Ministry.
2. Employer receives final $1,000 payment six months from the signing/registration date, if the apprentice is still working and training with the same employer.
Speak with a YMCA Job Developer today to learn more about hiring incentives and services available to help you hire and retain apprentices.
Learn more about Apprenticeship and Money for Employers on
Save Time & Money by Working With YMCA Job Developer
We help local businesses in Grey County find and hire the right employees for their business. A YMCA Job Developer will work with you to:
- Review and understand your hiring needs
- Match qualified candidates to your job openings
- Create job ads and post them on our online job board
- Collect resumes and pre-screen candidates
- Provide a hiring incentive when you hire unemployed people who need some training, and help develop the training plan
- Identify and resolve workplace issues with participants to assist with employee retention
Ready to connect with qualified job seekers in your community?
Request an appointment with one of our Job Developers today!