Guidelines & Policies

Members should be prepared to show their Membership Card for entry to our facility. For visitors, we ask that you provide photo ID when signing in at our Welcome Desk. This requirement is part of our Child Protection Policy and helps to keep vulnerable members of your community safe.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Etiquette Statement

The YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce is a shared experience for everyone to enjoy. Each of us can make it better for all by being considerate to others. YMCA members, staff, participants, guests and volunteers pledge to treat one another with respect and dignity. The YMCA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend or refuse services for inappropriate behaviour.

We do our best to weave our values into all of our programming. We believe each person is valuable and can make a difference!

Guidelines & Policies

The safety and well-being of our community is important to us. Prior to visiting our facility, we ask all individuals to read and adhere to all our guidelines and policies listed below:

Effective: May 1, 2017


1. To provide procedures for the management of Anaphylaxis due to nuts, as defined below, in our YMCA Health, Fitness & Aquatics facility (YMCA HFA) and off-site program locations in order to comply with the Policy on Ableism and Discrimination (“Policy on Ableism”) which recognizes Anaphylaxis as a disability under the Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19 (“Code”) and the Canadian Human Rights Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. H-6.

2. The Policy on Ableism recognizes a legal responsibility for service providers to accommodate people with potentially life threatening allergies, as they would any other person with a disability, to the point of undue hardship. This requires responsible parties to maintain accessible, inclusive, discrimination and harassment-free environments that respect human rights.

3. The YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce has committed to take actions to educate the general public about Anaphylaxis and make members and public aware of the City’s policy to not sell Nuts or Nut Products in the Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre and not to bring Nuts or Nut Products into this facility.

4. The City of Owen Sound has instated an Anaphylaxis Policy (in effect as of May 1, 2017) in the Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre; which includes the YMCA HFA. As such, we are obligated to comply with the City’s policy. It is also in the best interest of our members and the public for us to do so.

5. This YMCA HFA Anaphylaxis Policy (“Policy”) addresses one of the most common allergens: Nuts. 6. This YMCA HFA Policy addresses the highest risk user group: Children participating in YMCA programs who are under the age of 14 years.


This Policy applies to the YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce YMCA Health, Fitness and Aquatics facility (YMCA HFA) located in the Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre, and the off-site program locations related to YMCA HFA. This Policy applies both to programs administered by the YMCA and Third Parties. Users of this facility must comply with this Policy.


For the purposes of this policy;

Anaphylaxis: is a severe systemic allergic reaction which can be fatal, resulting in circulatory collapse or shock.

Anaphylactic Reaction: signs and symptoms of Anaphylaxis can occur within minutes of exposure to an allergen. In rarer cases, the time frame can vary up to several hours after exposure. The ways symptoms appear can vary from person to person and from episode to episode in the same person.

Symptoms of Anaphylaxis: generally include two or more of the following body systems: skin, respiratory, gastrointestinal and/or cardiovascular. However, low blood pressure alone, in the absence of other symptoms, can also represent Anaphylaxis.

  • Skin – hives, swelling (face, lips, tongue), itching, warmth, redness;
  • Respiratory (breathing) – coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain or tightness, throat tightness, hoarse voice, nasal congestion or hay fever-like symptoms (runny, itchy nose and watery eyes, sneezing), trouble swallowing;
  • Gastrointestinal (stomach) – nausea, pain or cramps, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Cardiovascular (heart) – paler than normal skin colour/blue colour, weak pulse, passing out, dizziness or light-headedness, shock;
  • Other – anxiety, sense of doom (the feeling that something bad is about to happen), headache, uterine cramps, metallic taste.

Epinephrine: is the synthetic form of the hormone adrenaline that is used as the treatment or drug of choice to treat Anaphylaxis and life-threatening asthma attacks. This treatment is live-saving.

Epinephrine Auto-Injector: a medical device that is used to deliver a pre-measured dose (or doses) of Epinephrine. Also known as an “epi-pen”.

Food Services: includes making, transporting or selling food products. This includes services such as catering, concession stands, bistros, restaurants and vending machines. This list is non-exhaustive.

Third Parties: includes those individuals, businesses and organizations that have entered into an agreement/contract with the YMCA to provide programs/services, rent/lease space, or otherwise carry on business in the facility.

Nuts: means as stated by Health Canada the priority nuts of concern are peanuts and tree nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachio nuts and walnuts).


Reducing the Risk of Exposure

1. All reasonable efforts will be made to control the environment at the YMCA HFA in order to minimize the exposure to Nuts. This must be a collaborative process which involves parents/guardians, YMCA and City staff, facility users, community members, and Third Parties.

2. While the YMCA HFA shall take all reasonable efforts to accommodate children with Anaphylaxis due to Nut allergies, there is no legal responsibility to reduce the risk of exposure to zero. Despite best efforts, the YMCA HFA cannot guarantee a 100 percent Nut-free environment.

Communication Strategy – Education and Awareness

In YMCA HFA registered programs provided to children under 14 years of age in which the parents/guardians have advised the YMCA HFA staff that their child has a potentially life threatening allergy (anaphylaxis) to Nuts, the YMCA HFA staff responsible for the direct provision of the program will discuss allergen awareness with children, encourage children not to share lunches or trade snacks, monitor those children who have known allergies while eating, and reinforce the importance of proper hygiene and effective hand-washing. If these programs are administered by Third Parties, who are required to comply with the YMCA’s HFA policies, the YMCA HFA shall make the Third Parties aware of this Policy and the requirement for education and awareness. Pamphlets indicating that the City of Owen Sound’s Recreation Facilities (including the YMCA HFA facility) are nut-aware shall be made available to all registrants when enrolling in programs and to community members in general by way of posting this Policy on the YMCA’s website.

Communication Strategy – Signs and Notices

1. The City of Owen Sound shall ensure that signs/notices are posted in the City’s Recreation Facilities that these Recreation Facilities are “Nut-Aware”. Additionally, as the City cannot guarantee that food products that are sold within these Recreation Facilities have not come into contact with Nuts, or that every member of the community respects this Policy, the City shall post signs/notices which indicate that certain products “may have come into contact with nuts or nut products”.

2. The City is responsible for implementing a strategy to ensure that signs/notices are consistently in place. Where a sign is damaged or removed, the City shall have staff post a new sign or notice.

3. The YMCA HFA will provide notices directly to parents/guardians when registering children for programs offered at the YMCA that this facility is “Nut-Aware”. This will be in the form of the City’s pamphlet and/or a note on each registrant’s electronic or printed registration confirmation form with a link to the City’s pamphlet.

4. The YMCA HFA will periodically include information in member newsletters and post signs in the HFA facility and program sites that the YMCA HFA facility is “Nut-Aware”.

Parents/Guardians Responsibilities

1. All parents/guardians with children who are known to be at risk of anaphylaxis and are registering for programs are required to notify the YMCA HFA facility at the time of program registration of their child’s condition and provide all relevant information required by the YMCA to properly accommodate their child’s needs to the extent reasonably possible. This information should include: the identified allergen(s), the severity of the allergy, any past incidents of Anaphylactic Reactions, current medications, changes to diagnoses/medication and any other relevant health considerations. If the child has been prescribed an epipen the child shall self-carry at all times.

2. All parents/guardians with children who are known to be at risk of anaphylaxis and are participating in supervised drop-in programs are required to notify the YMCA HFA staff person in charge of program supervision of their child’s condition and provide all relevant information to properly accommodate their child’s needs to the extent reasonably possible. Parents are required to do this at every class. This information should include: the identified allergen(s), the severity of the allergy, any past incidents of Anaphylactic Reactions, current medications, changes to diagnoses/medication and any other relevant health considerations. If the child has been prescribed an epi-pen the child shall self-carry at all times.

3. All parents/guardians with children not known to be at risk of anaphylaxis should also ensure that they are complying with this Policy and encouraging their children to respect children with Anaphylaxis. Where applicable, parents/guardians should ensure that their children are only bringing safe food products (i.e. no nut products or products that list nuts in the ingredient list) into the YMCA HFA facility or any of its program sites. To assist with compliance with this Policy by children without anaphylaxis, information explaining this Policy will be provided to everyone who registers for programs at the YMCA HFA centre, and to community members in general by way of posting this Policy on the YMCA’s website.

Individualized Plans

In circumstances where the YMCA HFA has been made aware of a child with anaphylaxis, and the YMCA HFA is administering the program the child is enrolled in or the Third Party is required to comply with this Policy, the YMCA HFA shall develop an individualized plan with the input of the parent/guardian of the child with anaphylaxis. This plan shall include:

a. Details informing appropriate employees and others who are in direct contact with the child on a regular basis of the type of allergy, monitoring and avoidance strategies and appropriate treatment. Details include:

  • Name, identifying information, photo of the affected child;
  • Specific allergy/allergies;
  • Signs and symptoms of an accidental exposure;
  • Medication to be administered in the event of an exposure.

b. A readily accessible emergency procedure for the child, including the requirement to self-carry an Epinephrine Auto-Injector, follow-up plans (i.e. calling 911 or transporting to hospital), and emergency contact information.

At time of registration, this individual emergency information will be entered into the YMCA HFA membership database, and given to program instructors prior to the start of the program.

Training Procedures

All YMCA HFA staff receive training on how to recognize an anaphylactic reaction and the proper administration of an Epinephrine Auto-Injector during annual emergency procedure training. YMCA HFA staff will follow first aid and YMCA training protocols in the event of an anaphylactic reaction.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed at least annually.


1. Policy on Ableism and Discrimination Based on Disability (2016)

2. City of Owen Sound Anaphylaxis Policy CS38—Anaphylaxis-Policy.pdf

3. City of Owen Sound Anaphylaxis Information pamphlet – link to the pamphlet will be inserted as soon as it becomes available.

Cell phones may be used to listen to music, track your workout, etc. while using our facility.

If you must take a call during a fitness class or program, we ask that you leave the area so you don’t disrupt those around you. As always, please don’t leave valuable items unattended or in unlocked lockers at any time.

Photo/Video Policy

To protect the privacy of our members, participants and guests, you are permitted to take photos and videos of yourself or your own family members only.

Photos or video containing YMCA staff or other YMCA users are strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the individual(s) in the media.

Photos and videos are not to be taken in the change rooms under any circumstances.

Photos are not permitted to be taken through the glass from the viewing area into the pool. Should you wish to get a picture of your child in the water during lessons, please make arrangements with the Supervisor; Aquatics in advance. 

We reserve the right to ask you to show us your photo(s) if we have reason to believe it contains prohibited content. We also reserve the right to ask you to delete a photo or video, including but not limited to those posted on social media, if it contains prohibited content.

The safety and security of children and vulnerable persons are of utmost importance to us. We take the following measures to ensure the protection of children and vulnerable persons:

  • Valuing, respecting and listening to children, youth and vulnerable persons.
  • Thorough screening of staff and volunteers, which includes:
    • Formal interviews for all positions
    • Minimum of 3 references
    • Police Records and Vulnerable Sector Checks
  • Training all staff and volunteers on child and vulnerable persons protection procedures and practices
  • Sharing information and concerns with agencies who need to know, such as Bruce Grey Child and Family Services
  • Providing effective management for staff through:
    • Policy
    • Process
    • Supervision
    • Support
    • Regular training
    • Regular audits

We also rely upon our members and visitors to help us keep children and vulnerable persons safe.

How You Can Help:

When attending our Child Care facilities…

  • We require all children to be signed in and out by a parent or guardian.
  • All individuals visiting our facilities must sign in and out.
  • If you have sent another individual to pick up your child, staff may call you to verify if they are not aware of the change. We will also require that individual to provide us with government photo identification to confirm their identity if they are unknown to staff. If staff are unable to reach you and/or confirm the individual’s identity, we will not release your child.

When attending our Health, Fitness & Aquatics facility…

  • Please be prepared to scan your Membership Card each time you enter the facility. This includes if you have already scanned in, left the building and are re-entering. All individuals are required to scan to our facility.
  • For the public, we require government issued photo identification before allowing access to our facility. If you are unable/unwilling to provide appropriate identification, you will not be permitted into our facility.
  • Please be patient.
    • We see many visitors every day and may not always recognize or remember you. If we don’t, we may ask you to provide us with photo identification.
    • If this is your first time visiting our facility it will take a few minutes to set up your profile within our computer system.
    • If you visit our facility frequently but do not have a membership, please ask to have a photo-profile created so we can verify your identity faster.
  • If you see a child that does not appear to be with an adult, please alert a member of our staff so that we may ensure the child’s safety until such time a guardian is located.
  • As part of our Child and Vulnerable Persons Protection policy all children under 10 years of age MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian (14+) at all times while in our facility. Children under 10 participating in a supervised program, are required to have a parent or guardian that is at least 14 years of age in the facility at all times. Parents and guardians are REQUIRED to sign children under 10 in and out of supervised programs.

When accessing child related programs (i.e. day camps, PD Day, March break and holiday camps, Stay’N’ Play babysitting)…

  • We require all children to be signed in and out. If you have sent another individual to pick up your child, staff may call you to verify if they are not aware of the change. We will also require that individual to provide us with government photo identification to confirm their identity if they are unknown to staff. If staff are unable to reach you and/or confirm the individual’s identity, we will not release your child.

When accessing our Employment Services or Community Initiatives programs…

  • We require all visitors to these facilities to sign in and out.
  • Photo identification may be requested in order to access certain services or programs. Please refer to our Privacy Statement for information on the collection and use of personal information.
  • Children 6 years of age or older are required to use the change room appropriate for the gender they identify with; or the co-ed family change room. If this is not suitable, see our facility staff to arrange appropriate accommodations. 
  • Change rooms are not supervised by YMCA staff. Please supervise children in the change room for appropriate behaviour. 
  • Please be aware of our facility hours. If you need to shower, change or gather belongings from the change rooms, plan ahead to finish your activity in time to do this before closing. Thank you; your cooperation is appreciated and helps get our staff home to their families on time.  
  • Our family change room may be used by anyone. Please use the private change areas provided as this change room is co-ed. It also offers a large barrier-free change area for those of us who can benefit from assistance with certain tasks. 
  • The girl’s and boy’s change rooms are for youth ages 6-17 and also have private change cubicles. Same-gender parents may accompany children in the youth change areas, same-gender adults are permitted to use these change rooms if desired.
  • Men’s and women’s change rooms are for use by persons 18 years of age or older only. Each has a steam room but does not have private change areas. Do not use the washroom stalls to change in. If you would like additional privacy please use the cubicles in the youth or family change rooms.
  • When using the benches in our change rooms, please at all times be sure to sit on a towel – no bare bottoms on the benches please! On behalf of all users of our facility we also ask that you do not use this public space to take care of personal hygiene tasks such as shaving, foot and nail care, etc.  These are best done in private, at home.

We are a family friendly facility. Work out clothing and bathing attire should be appropriate and family friendly at all times.  If you are not dressed appropriately, staff may ask you to cover up, change or return to the facility at another time when dressed appropriately. Please speak with a staff member if you have any questions or concerns.

  • The YMCA is an inclusive environment. Inappropriate and offensive messaging, slogans, signs, or symbols on clothing, equipment (i.e. gym bags) and visible body tattoos is not permitted in our facility. Individuals promoting hate, will be denied service.
  • Outdoor shoes are not permitted in the Fitness Centre or in the pool area.
  • Clean, dry, closed toed, full back, indoor shoes must be worn in the Fitness Centre.
  • Gym bags and jackets are not permitted in the Fitness Centre. Day-use lockers are available to all members free of charge. Please provide your own lock.
  • Workout shorts must be an appropriate length. Buttocks should be fully covered.
  • Workout shirts should be family friendly. Crop tops and sports bras worn without a shirt are not permitted. 
  • Swimsuits should be appropriate for a family friendly facility. Thongs and cheeky bottoms are not permitted.  The following criteria will be used when determining the appropriateness of attire for swimming:

    • Clothing is clean and brought to the pool for the sole purpose of swimming (one cannot wear their street clothes into the pool)

    • The clothing must permit the individual to participate safely in the program. Every effort must be made to eliminate the risk of strangulation or being weighed down to the point of incapacitation.

Age Restrictions

Must be age 16 or over to use the Fitness Centre unsupervised. Please refer to our etiquette statement.

Teens aged 12-15 may use the Fitness Centre without adult accompaniment upon successful completion of our Strength Training: Teen Course.

Children ages 8-15 can use the Fitness Centre under direct parent/guardian supervision upon completion of a Smart Start: Family Orientation.

Children under the age of 8 are not permitted in the Fitness Centre.  However, they may use the track while under direct parent/guardian supervision. Infants in carriers or indoor strollers with clean wheels are permitted on the track.

As part of our Child and Vulnerable Persons Protection policy all children under 10 years of age MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian (14+) at all times while in our facility. Children under 10 participating in a supervised program, are required to have a parent or guardian that is at least 14 years of age in the facility at all times. Parents and guardians are REQUIRED to sign children under 10 in and out of supervised programs.
Contact Customer Service for details.

All members are encouraged to make an appointment with one of our qualified fitness staff to receive a free orientation to our equipment and get started on a personalized program. Fitness staff can help you set realistic, achievable goals.

Personal Training Cancellations

When you schedule a session with us, we reserve that block of time especially for you. We recognize that your time is valuable, as is ours. We require 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule a session. If you cancel, reschedule or miss your appointment without providing 24 hours notice, the scheduled session will be deducted from your purchased personal training package. To reschedule or cancel your appointment, please call (519) 376-0484 ext. 208.

Cardio Equipment Usage

To ensure all members have fair access to equipment, a 20-minute limit per person is applied to our most popular cardio equipment during peak times.

Weight Training Equipment

Please be considerate to fellow members by not staying on equipment between sets. Allow other people to work through. When others are waiting to use strength training equipment, offer to share between sets.

Cleaning Equipment

To maintain a high standard of cleanliness and safety for everyone, whether it is weights, cardio equipment or mats, users are required to clean equipment before and after each use. Please use spray and cloths provided; do not spray the equipment directly.

Free Weight Area

Dropping of weights is not permitted. If you are unable to set a weight down without dropping it, consider lowering the resistance to allow you to strengthen your muscles through a full range of motion.

It is imperative that after you use the weights, you return them to the rack. This ensures that the room is ready for everyone else to workout.

Personal Music and Devices

Patrons are expected to listen to their personal music on their own devices using headphones or ear-buds. Personal music devices such as smart phones are welcome in our facility. Radios, wireless speakers, etc. are not permitted in the facility.

  • Racquet sports are not permitted unless specified
  • To enjoy open gym, users must be 10 years or older, OR be accompanied by an adult.
  • Appropriate, indoor-only footwear must be worn.

Pickleball Guidelines

To ensure participant safety and to avoid injury, spectators are not permitted to stand or sit along the pickleball court sidelines. When pickleball courts are full, players waiting to play must wait outside of the gymnasium.

Pickleball is permitted during specified allotted times only unless prior arrangements have been made with the Manager; Health, Fitness, Aquatics & Human Resources.

Pickleball participants are welcome to bring their own racquets and/or balls should they choose not to use the equipment provided by the YMCA.

The YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce is not a public facility. As such, we require government issued photo identification before permitting access to our YMCA.

  • Please be prepared to scan your Membership Card each time you enter the facility. This includes if you have already scanned in, left the building and are re-entering. All individuals are required to scan when entering our facility. Members that forget their Membership Card are required to pay a fee of $2.00 per entry or purchase a replacement membership card for $10.00 if the card has been lost.
  • For non-members, we require government issued photo identification before allowing access to our facility. If you are unable/unwilling to provide appropriate identification, you will NOT be permitted in our facility. All guests wishing to enter our facility must also agree to have a photograph taken as part of our Child and Vulnerable Persons protection policy. Please refer to our Privacy Statement for information on the collection and use of personal information.
  • Please be patient.
    • We see many visitors every day and may not always recognize or remember you. If we don’t, we may ask you to provide us with photo identification.
    • If this is your first time visiting our facility it will take a few minutes to set up your profile within our computer system.
    • If you visit our facility frequently but do not have a membership, please ask to have a photo-profile created so we can verify your identity without having to ask for your photo identification.

Visitors requesting an opportunity to see our facility before registering for a membership will be provided with a tour and must be accompanied by a YMCA staff member at all times.

Please review the rules that apply to our pools before you arrive for your swim.

Swimmers must be 10 years old to swim by themselves.

Swimmers who are 6-9 years old: Must pass the swim test to swim alone OR can be accompanied in the water and directly supervised within arms’ reach by a parent/guardian who is 14 years of age or older with the following ratios of supervisors to swimmers: 1 supervisor to 4 swimmers not wearing life jackets, 1 supervisor to 8 swimmers wearing life jackets.

Swimmers who are 0-5 years old: Must be accompanied in the water and directly supervised within arms’ reach at all times by a parent or guardian 14 years of age or older regardless of swimming ability (1 supervisor to 2 swimmers).

To Swim in the Deep End of the Lane Pool: Regardless of age, swimmers must pass the swim test below to swim in the lane pool deep end.  Lifeguards have the right to restrict deep end use according to swimming ability. Use of lifejackets or other floatation devices in the deep end is not permitted. Swimmers who pass the swim test will receive a RED wristband allowing access to the deep end. 

Swim Test: 

Lane Pool Swim Test – must be able to complete ALL of the following in order without resting:

  • Starting from the shallow end, swim 20 meters of the lane pool using a front crawl stroke or a proper breaststroke without stopping
  • Exit the pool on the side or using the ladder, jump in and submerge, then tread water for 20 seconds
  • Then swim back to the edge and get out to receive feedback/ or wristband. Red bands indicate swimmer can use both pools unaccompanied.

Leisure Pool Swim Test – beginning in water in front of the guard chair, swim around the walls of the deep end, finishing at the buoy line using a front crawl stroke without stopping. Yellow bands indicate swimmer must stay in the Leisure Pool to swim unaccompanied.

“Must See’s” – In order to pass the Swim Test a patron MUST:

  • Complete the entire distance without stopping or touching the bottom
  • Show strong forward movement with arms coming out of the water for Front Crawl
  • Swim with face in, showing ability to take breaths.

Every lifeguard has the right to revoke a wristband if they feel it is necessary for the safety of the swimmer. Lifeguards can restrict the use of the pool or any part of it at any time to any
swimmer if safety is compromised.

When accompanying children in the pool, we ask that you stay close to them. The Lifesaving Society of Canada says…“If you’re not within arm’s length, you’ve gone too far!” Our Lifeguards do enforce this policy for your safety.

Medical Conditions

Those with serious medical conditions should be accompanied by an individual who is knowledgeable of their condition and responsible for their direct supervision. Your medical doctor should be consulted before swimming. Please advise the Lifeguards or Instructors of any medical conditions you are aware of that could pose a risk while swimming. If you have medication such as Epi-pen or asthma inhaler, please bring it on the pool deck with you and ensure your swim buddy or a lifeguard is aware of its location.

Registered Programs

  • Program fees are refundable up to one week (7 calendar days) prior to program start date.
  • Advanced aquatic and first aid course fees are refundable up to two weeks (14 calendar days) prior to course start date. 
  • Refunds will not be given on or after start date except for medical reasons, supported by appropriate documentation from an attending physician. 
  • A service charge of $25 is applicable for every refund.


  • Membership refunds on annual memberships are given for valid medical reasons supported by appropriate documentation from an attending physician.

  • Memberships may be cancelled at any time by providing written notice to the YMCA Customer Service team. Cancellation of memberships require 14 days notice prior to payment date.  

  • Memberships may be placed on hold once per calendar year for a minimum of one month to a maximum of six consecutive months. Holds are subject to a $25 administrative charge and require written notice to the YMCA Customer Service team 5 days prior to payment date. 

  • Temporary interruptions in services or access to specific areas or equipment within the facility may be necessary to ensure proper maintenance. Membership and Program fee adjustments shall not apply due to maintenance, repair, or refurbishment by the YMCA or for program cancelled or facilities closed due to inclement weather.

  • The YMCA reserves the right to terminate membership privileges, without refund, for an account overdue or failure to comply with terms and conditions including the Etiquette Statement.

Gift Certificates

  • Gift certificates are non-refundable and have no cash value. Our gift certificates do not expire.

Class/Program Cancellations

Programs may be combined or cancelled due to:

  • Insufficient registration;
  • Inclement weather/unforeseen circumstances and will not be made up at a later date.
  • Low participation. A minimum of five participants is required for group fitness classes, attendance will be monitored for three weeks before cancelling. 

Full refunds will be given for cancelled programs fee.

People are often sensitive to the chemicals in many body products such as perfume, aerosol deodorants, hair spray, shampoo/conditioner/body wash, cologne, essential oils, etc. Exposure can cause nausea, headaches, dizziness and more with varying degrees of severity. 

For this reason, all visitors to the facility are asked to refrain from applying or wearing scented products to the Health, Fitness & Aquatics facility.

Please be aware of ingredients in your products before and during your visit to the YMCA, and pack your gym bag with fragrance-free products.

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