
Birthday Party Packages

  • Gym, Party, Swim! $300

    • Designed for children ages 1-12 years old
    • Up to 15 children max
    • 11:30-12:00 – Family Arrival (Program Room 2 will have tables and chairs set up)
    • 12:00 - Guests arrive
    • 12:00-1:00 – Gymnasium (set up with equipment chosen by family)
    • 1:00-2:00 – Program Room (cake, gifts)
    • 2:00-3:00 – Birthday Swim in Leisure Pool (join the rec swim)

The schedule above can be adjusted if not swimming. If you have questions, please email To book online, click the button below. 

  • Parties take place at the YMCA Health, Fitness & Aquatics facility on Saturdays and Sundays. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred date. Please book early to avoid disappointment.
  • We are a Nut-Aware facility. You are welcome to bring your own cake or snacks for the party room but all items must be NUT-FREE.
  • Be sure to bring locks for lockers to secure your belongings while using the pool.
  • Running shoes are required for gym usage.
  • Our Pool Admission Policy must be followed. It is your responsibility to ensure these requirements are met. Adults may be required to swim with children in order to meet safety regulations.
  • Once your party has been accepted and confirmed by staff, you can log into ActiveNet to make payment by credit card. If you wish to pay by cash or debit, you must come to our Welcome Desk.
  • If payment is not received 48 hours prior to the event day, the party will be cancelled.
  • Parties are booked on a first-come, first-paid basis, and cannot be reserved without full payment.
  • Parties have access to our program room for the duration of the party to have cake, open gifts, and store their belongings. The room will have chairs and tables set up for the event. There is a refrigerator in the building if you have ice cream that needs stored.
  • The Program Room is available 30 minutes prior to the party (for set-up) and 15 minutes after (for clean-up). 
  • All guests are required to be signed in by their parent/guardian before being dropped off.
  • Lifeguards will be present for your birthday swim.
  • After you check in at our Welcome Desk, a YMCA staff member will then escort your group to the party room.

Rent a Pool

To rent the pool, please email We will contact you within three days of receipt to confirm your details. If you are renting on behalf of a school, please indicate this in your email.

  • Rentals are booked based on the number of people in your group and includes the cost of Lifeguards. 
  • Pool Admission Requirements must be followed for all rentals. Adults may be required to swim with children. It is your responsibility to ensure these requirements are met. 

Swimmers must be 10 years old to swim by themselves.

Swimmers who are 6-9 years old:  Must pass the swim test to swim by themselves OR can be accompanied in the water and directly supervised within arms’ reach by a parent or guardian who is 14 years of age or older with the following ratios of supervisors to swimmers: 1 supervisor to 4 swimmers not wearing lifejackets; 1 supervisor to 8 swimmers wearing lifejackets

To Swim in the Deep End of the Lane Pool: Regardless of age, swimmers must pass the swim test to swim in the lane pool deep end during rec, open or family swims. Lifeguards have the right to restrict deep end use according to swimming ability. Use of lifejackets or other floatation devices in the deep end is not permitted.

Swim Test: Must be able to swim 1 width of the lane pool using proper front crawl or breaststroke without stopping in order to swim unaccompanied during rec or open swims; or to swim in the deep end of the lane pool.

Swimmers who are 0-5 years old: Must be accompanied in the water and directly supervised within arms’ reach at all times by a parent or guardian 14 years of age or older regardless of swimming ability (1 supervisor to 2 swimmers).

Prices are per hour. 

  • There may be special pricing available for not-for-profit organizations and schools.
  • For rentals larger than 80 people, please email directly for prices and information.
  • HST is not applicable for general swim or room rentals and will not be applied.
  • Once your party has been accepted and confirmed by staff, you can log into ActiveNet to make payment by credit card. If you wish to pay by cash or debit, you must come to our Welcome Desk. Please do not submit credit card details through the request form.
1-44 peoplePrice coming soon1-29 peoplePrice coming soon1 Hour$75
45-80 peoplePrice coming soon30-80 peoplePrice coming soonUp to 3 Hours$150
  • All visitors are required to check in at our Welcome Desk prior to entering our facility. Photo ID is required for all adults.
  • We recommend you arrive 10 minutes prior to your rental to allow time to change and shower before coming to the pool deck. Access to the pool deck is restricted until the time your rental is scheduled to begin.
  • We recommend you bring locks for lockers to secure your belongings in the change room while using the pool.
  • All swimmers must shower prior to entering the pool (Ontario Health Regulation 565).
  • Swimmers with medical conditions should make the Lifeguards aware of these conditions.

You have the option of renting one of our Program Rooms an hour before or after your pool rental, or for a 3 hour period before, during and after your rental. To book a program room, contact Please notify staff that you have also completed the pool rental request form.

  • Additional fees apply.
  • Room is accessible 15 minutes prior to and following ROOM rental time (not pool rental time).
  • Tables and chairs are available.
  • Our facility is Nut-Aware – all food must be NUT-FREE
  • If you are ordering in food, you must be present at our Welcome Desk in order to accept delivery. YMCA staff will not be responsible.
  • Room must be left in clean condition. Please ensure tables/chairs are wiped and garbage is put in containers.

Rent a Program Room

Program rooms are a great option for a baby shower, birthday party, staff party, corporate event, or training. To book a program room, contact our Customer Service team via email at

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