YMCA Health, Fitness & Aquatics facility

Health, Fitness & Aquatics Facility Reopens February 16th!

Following the announcement by Premier Ford on February 8th that our area would be moving forward with re-opening, we are pleased to announce that our Health, Fitness & Aquatics facility reopened on Tuesday, February 16.

Our community has done an excellent job in decreasing the number of COVID cases. Our staff have consulted with our Public Health unit to ensure we are opening in the safest way possible.  As a result, we will be re-opening with the same protocols that were in place in December 2020, with additional enhancements as per the updated guidelines.

Here is some information to answer your questions:

Membership Fees

If you were a current member at the time of the December 26th lockdown, your membership fee will automatically commence upon re-opening; you will not pay for the time the Y was closed. There is no need to do anything. Your membership will be automatically restarted.

If you have not yet reactivated your membership since the March 2020 lockdown, you do not have an active membership; please call 519-376-0484 ext. 0 or email osgb.member@osgb.ymca.ca to reactivate. Please remember that your first two weeks are no charge upon this original reactivation.

We are also accepting new members! New members are welcome to call the Y at 519-376-0484 ext. 0 or email osgb.member@osgb.ymca.ca to book an appointment with our Customer Services staff to get started.

Schedule and Hours of Operation

Based on usage patterns, we will be maintaining the same hours of operation as those prior to the recent shutdown:
Monday-Thursday: 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Friday: 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

We will consider increasing our hours as more members reactivate.

Booking Classes

All activities, fitness and aquatics classes, lane swims still require booking. Activities are available to book on ACTIVE Net now, up to a week in advance. Please note that booking can only be done online or by telephone at 519-376-0484 ext. 0. Due to required enhanced safety protocols, in-person booking is not available at this time.

Live Streamed Online Classes

As part of our ongoing effort to provide services in new ways to our members, we are pleased to continue offering our online classes through our Facebook Member Group with your local YMCA Fitness Instructors. We are working towards adding more live streamed classes as well!

Please note that access to our Facebook Member Group and online classes will be restricted to active members only. If you haven’t reactivated your membership, please call Customer Service at 519-376-0484 ext. 0 or send us an email at osgb.member@osgb.ymca.ca.

Swim Lessons

We’d like to thank all the parents that participated in Fall swim lessons with their child! You not only helped keep your child safe, but your involvement sped up your child’s learning and we saw very positive progress!

Going forward, swim lessons will be starting April 5th. This time allows our staff to receive up to date training and will help us gauge whether or not we need additional safety protocols. Thank you for your patience!

COVID-19 Safety

Before we closed on Dec 26, 2020, our YMCA did an excellent job keeping staff and members safe from COVID-19. From our re-start in August 2020, until we closed for a second time on December 26, we had 28,556 visits to our YMCA and zero cases of COVID-19 linked to our facility. We attribute this success is to our high standard of cleanliness and safety protocols put in place as well as the excellent adherence to safety protocols by our members and staff. We pride ourselves in delivering a safe fitness environment and look forward to welcoming our members back next week!

Returning to exercise at your YMCA will support not only a healthy body but a healthy mind and spirit. The pandemic has placed many stresses upon our lives, and our YMCA provides a safe environment to reconnect with friends and staff while improving your overall health and wellbeing. We all need to find a safe way to continue on with our lives, and our YMCA is dedicated to supporting our members in doing that.

It is imperative that we do not let our guard down with the end of the lockdown. Our staff have given thoughtful consideration on how to enhance our existing protocols and we will be implementing the following upon opening:

Updated Safety Protocols February 2021:


  • Masks are required whenever you are in the facility, including when walking between workout areas, in corridors, in change rooms and in viewing areas.
  • Members with a medical mask exemption are asked to call our Member Services team at 519-376-0484 ext. 0 before entering the facility to discuss accommodations.
  • Members are encouraged to wear their mask when taking part in low-intensity exercise. For example, when using the walking track, strength training, badminton, pickleball, Tai Chi or stretching. This is not a requirement but a recommendation to assist in keeping yourself, other members and our staff safe.
  • Masks are not required for intense cardio exercise at this time or for exercising in the pool. However, there is no scientific reason to prevent members from wearing a mask during intense cardio exercise. Please speak with staff to find out more.

Pool Protocols

  • Please wear your mask onto the pool deck and place on a hook while in the pool. After getting out of the pool, please dry your face immediately and replace your mask to walk to the change room.
  • After showering, please dry your face immediately and replace your mask.

Eating & Drinking

  • When eating or drinking, please ensure you are at least 2 meters away from the nearest person and replace your mask immediately when finished. Please consider take-out rather than sitting at the tables.

Socializing & Congregating

  • Please socialize outside, at a distance wearing your mask. Physical distancing must be maintained in all spaces at the YMCA, including the change rooms, hallways, stairs and entrances. Please keep moving so we can accommodate as many members as safely as possible.
  • To maintain physical distancing at the Welcome Desk and to prevent congregating, members may book their space in a class or in the pool either online or by telephone at 519-376-0484 ext. 0. Customer Service staff will not be taking in-person bookings at the Welcome Desk at this time.

Change Rooms

  • We ask that members spread out between the adult, youth and family change rooms at busy times. Maintaining a minimum of 2 meters distance between members at all times is key. If a change room is busy, please go to a different one or remain outside until space is available.
  • Aquatics programs with high usage are being assigned to change rooms as part of our enhanced safety protocols.
  • Please spend as little time as possible in the change rooms. Arrive just before the start of your class, dressed to participate. If you can shower at home, please do so. Towel service is not available so please remember to bring one!

Parents & Guardians

  • Parents and guardians that are YMCA members are encouraged to utilize the time their children are in a supervised program for “me time” to reduce the number of spectators. If you are a member, please consider working out while your child(ren) is in program.
  • Parents and guardians that are YMCA members must sign-in to view children’s activities from within the YMCA. Space is limited to the number of physically-distanced seats provided. Spectators are required to wear a mask and maintain physical distance of at least 2 metres at all times.
  • Parents and guardians that are not YMCA members may view children’s activities in the café area. Space is limited to the number of physically-distanced seats available. Spectators are required to wear a mask and maintain physical distance of at least 2 metres at all times.

Hoops Shoot Around

  • Individuals participating in Hoops Shoot Around are required to wear a mask at all times.

General Reminders

  • Please continue to clean machines, equipment, lockers and benches before and after use.
  • Access to the YMCA will continue to be restricted to active YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce members only. We will not be selling Day Passes at this time.
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