confident woman job searching

The Job Seeker’s Pep Talk

Date: Available anytime
Location: Online (self study)
Cost: Free

The purpose of this course is to distil some of the “conventional wisdom” gained from the perspective of both a professional in the employment field working with clients on a regular basis and someone who has had to shift to a more productive mindset about the process of job searching. These are some helpful ideas and ways of looking at the different aspects of the job hunt.

The hope is that you find the points helpful and gain some perspective and insight, and to know you are not alone!

But remember: these are just ideas. Think of them as “counter-points” to some of the thoughts you may have experienced, or “alternate evidence.” Just reading them once won’t change your thinking permanently. You need to remember and incorporate them into your self-talk.

This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada.

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