The RentSafe Owen Sound Collaborative is thrilled to announce the launch of the RentSafe Owen Sound Survey of Landlords and Property Managers.
The online survey, which is open to all landlords and property managers with rental housing units in Owen Sound, will launch on September 15th and remain open until October 31, 2021.
Landlords and property managers will have a chance to share their views and experiences related to maintaining healthy conditions in their rental units. The survey is voluntary and respondents will remain anonymous. A similar survey will be conducted with tenants living in rental properties in Owen Sound.
The survey results will be used to inform community dialogue and possible actions to support landlords in maintaining healthy conditions in their rental units and improve housing conditions for tenants.
To access the survey, click here:
To learn more about the surveys and the RentSafe Owen Sound Collaborative, visit
Help us build a strong foundation on which to build collaborative solutions. Take action to ensure that every landlord and property manager in Owen Sound is heard:
- If you are a landlord or property manager with rental housing units in Owen Sound, please fill out the survey! It takes just 12-15 minutes of your time.
- If you know landlords or property managers operating in Owen Sound, please encourage them to participate.
- If you are active on social media, share the survey link with your networks.
- Sign up for the RentSafe Owen Sound E-News to receive updates and the survey results.
Thank you! Together we can tackle the rental housing crisis and ensure safe and healthy homes for all.