Tenant Survey: Rental Housing Conditions in Owen Sound

RentSafe Owen Sound Collaborative Launches Survey of Tenants on Rental Housing Conditions in Owen Sound

The RentSafe Owen Sound Collaborative is launching an online survey of tenants this week. A similar survey with landlords and property managers was conducted in Fall 2021. Taken together, the surveys are intended to shed light on the issues and challenges that tenants and housing providers in Owen Sound are facing. The results will be publicly shared to support community dialogue on possible actions to improve housing conditions for tenants and better support landlords in maintaining safe and healthy rental units.

The survey of tenants who live in Owen Sound will launch on Wednesday, September 21st and remain open until the end of October. The survey invites tenants who live in private market, non-profit and social housing to share their views on a range of issues. Survey questions ask tenants about the physical condition of their rental units, whether they feel able to communicate effectively with their landlord or property manager when issues arise, their experience in getting problems addressed, and their experience with various housing-related support services in the community. The survey is anonymous and takes approximately 10-12 minutes to complete.

Tenants can participate online at https://www.surveymonkey.ca/r/RentSafe_TenantSurvey or fill out a paper copy of the survey at the following Owen Sound locations:

  • Owen Sound Library and Adult Learning Centre
  • United Way
  • M’Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre
  • YMCA Employment office
  • Grey Bruce Legal Clinic
  • Grey Bruce Public Health
  • Grey County Housing office
  • Owen Sound Municipal Non-Profit Housing office
  • SOS mobile outreach at the Owen Sound farmers’ market (Wednesday, Sept. 21, Oct. 5, Oct. 19)

All survey respondents will have a chance to enter a draw to win one of five $25 gift cards.

The surveys are being conducted by members of the RentSafe Owen Sound Collaborative together with researchers at the University of Ottawa.

The RentSafe Owen Sound Collaborative is a voluntary collaboration of agencies, community organizations, landlords, and tenants working together towards the goal of safe and healthy homes for all. Since October 2019, participants of the RentSafe Owen Sound Collaborative have been tackling housing inadequacy through research and finding new ways of working together toward potential solutions. For more information, visit rentsafe.ca/owen-sound.

YMCA Housing Services works to prevent, address and reduce homelessness in our community.

Working with other services and supports across Grey and Bruce counties, we assist youth (aged 16+) and adults who are homeless, or facing homelessness, to find safe, affordable, long-term housing in Grey-Bruce.

Learn more about YMCA Housing Services.

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